Monday, February 9, 2015



Hooray! I know Japanese. Now I can sort-of read words in this Japanese store: Daiso! It's English equivalent can be found here as well a more California specific one. It's the 99 cent store on steroids; it sells everything, from plates and tableware to writing utensils, gardening posts, pencil cases, slippers, tissue boxes and tissue box holders, disposable underwear, crockery, and anything else you can think of. Also, most items cost more than 99 cents.


"I love Daiso. It's where I buy all of my stuff. And most of my stuff."

I recently came into knowledge of a Japanese study that was conducted to find the coefficient of friction of a banana peel. This study won the Ig Nobel prize in ぶつりがく (physics). I recommend it if you are interested in the scientific properties of バナナ (bananas).
